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Welcome to PIN Magazine

Eddy Crowley here. I'm trying to help normalise life here in N. Ireland by doing a digital publication tribute to the PSNI, it is in comic strip format. Helping cheer everybody up a bit I hope.


if you wish to contribute to this project please contact me at

Please like my Face Book page and leave feedback :


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eddy crowley



Feel free to print out the pages below, photocopy them, staple and hand out in a professional manner.


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Ulster Landy idea:



Up for discussion:

W.A.D.S. ( With Anger Defined System ) low grain gunpowder beanbag shells and

low grain hollow plastic bullets with indemiable ink to stain clothing and skin.






clint eastwood magnum force



Below; Hit stick day, corporal punishment, the pro's and con's.



To follow the Face Book page for this site and leave feedback :

Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoyed the content.



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